24-Year-Old Diagnosed With Stage 3 Cancer After She Overlooked Continuous Burping

Bailey McBreen, a 25-year-old from Florida, experienced frequent burping, which escalated to acid reflux and severe stomach cramps in 2021. After months of dismissing the symptom, she sought medical help, only to discover she had stage 3 colon cancer.

McBreen recalled, “The first sign something was wrong… I began excessively burping… 5-10 times a day.” Her health rapidly declined, experiencing excruciating pain, appetite loss, and bowel issues. Trusting her instincts as a nurse, she rushed to the hospital, where a CT scan revealed the cancer.

“It truly was an out-of-body experience,” McBreen expressed, stunned by the diagnosis. She never imagined vague symptoms could signify such a serious illness.

Attributing the burping to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), McBreen’s oncologist suggested it might have been an early sign of her condition. She underwent emergency surgery to remove the tumor and is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

McBreen urges others to heed their bodies’ signals, emphasizing the importance of early detection. Colon cancer ranks third globally in cancer prevalence, highlighting the significance of awareness and proactive healthcare.