In a heartwarming story, baby girl Maddy Rybkin battled Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) with the help of her father’s kidney transplant. Maddy was born with an abnormally enlarged stomach due to PKD, a condition that claimed her parents’ first child shortly after birth. Her parents, unaware of their recessive gene for PKD, were determined to expand their family despite the odds.
Maddy’s mother, Karen Rodas, shared their journey, saying, “When I fell pregnant again, we were both over the moon. Then, at our 20-week scan, they found Maddy’s kidneys were enlarged – a sure sign of PKD.” Maddy’s condition was closely monitored by a PKD expert in Philadelphia, leading to her early birth at 33 weeks due to risks.
Maddy initially appeared well but faced kidney failure later. Her father, Paul Rybkin, selflessly donated his kidney to save her. The surgeries were successful, and Maddy, now a two-year-old, is thriving.
Paul expressed his commitment, saying, “It’s part of being a parent.” This family’s resilience and love showcase the lengths parents will go to protect their children. Maddy’s story is a testament to hope and determination in the face of adversity.