In 2017, during a high school football game’s national anthem, four players kneeled in protest. Referee Ernie Lunardelli, opposed to their protest, walked off the field at Monroe High School in New Jersey. He had previously informed officials that he would protest the players’ action.
A High School Football Team Decided To Take A Knee For The Anthem, So The Refs Taught Them A Lesson
Lunardelli stated, “I’m not in favor of anyone disrespecting our country, our flag, the armed forces. What they’re protesting has nothing to do with the national anthem.” He wanted to counter their kneeling.
Colts Neck Coach Darian Barnes claimed Lunardelli had to be pulled off the field, but Lunardelli denied it, saying, “Nobody pulled me; I walked off.”
His son, Anthony Lunardelli, who also officiated the game, joined him in protest, leaving the game. The incident highlighted the ongoing debate over athletes kneeling during the national anthem to protest social issues.