Caitlyn Jenner became one of the most prominent athletes in the 1970s.

Caitlyn Jenner, initially known as William Bruce Jenner, made waves in the 1970s as a prominent athlete. Her crowning achievement was winning an Olympic gold medal and setting a world record at the 1976 Montreal Olympics. After retiring from sports, she ventured into the entertainment industry.

In a bold and courageous move, Caitlyn publicly came out as transgender and began hormone treatments for her gender transition. This transformation turned her into an influential role model.

Despite her athletic prowess, Caitlyn struggled with her gender identity from a young age. Her college track coach encouraged her to pursue the Olympic decathlon, a path that led her to victory in 1976, making her an American hero. Yet, despite her success, she grappled with her true identity.

Her fame brought endorsement deals and television appearances, but Caitlyn felt an emptiness inside. She remained true to herself, sharing her journey with her family, and in 2015, she fully embraced her new life.

Today, Caitlyn continues to be an inspiration, her net worth estimated at approximately $100 million, and she remains a symbol of bravery for many.