Mountain lion Mufasa endured a cruel life in a Peruvian circus, confined to a pickup truck for two decades. Animal rights group Animal Defenders International rescued him in 2015 during their efforts to shut down the circus.
Circus lion was locked up for 20 long years, now watch his reaction when he’s released
Mufasa’s newfound freedom, though late in life, made a significant impact on his well-being. Instead of a life of anxiety and oppression, he experienced the fundamental right of all wild animals – to live in nature on his terms.
Tragically, Mufasa’s years of suffering took a toll on his health, resulting in kidney failure and other age-related issues.
He passed away in 2015. Mufasa’s story sheds light on the ongoing plight of animals in circuses and shows, emphasizing the need for continued efforts to improve their living conditions and protect their rights.