Confused Biden walks into flag, then appears to anger Brazilian prez with handshake snub at UN

President Biden faced another embarrassing moment at the UN, bumping into Brazil’s flag and later snubbing President Lula’s handshake. As Biden took the stage, he collided with the large Brazilian flag, fumbling to regain his balance. Struggling with his translation headset, President Lula asked, “Can you hear me, President Biden?” Biden nodded but continued to wrestle with the headset.

Ignoring Lula’s extended hand at the end, Biden waved and left the stage, leaving Lula visibly irritated. Despite this gaffe, both leaders pledged to strengthen their relationship, focusing on creating well-paying jobs and supporting workers in the digital and green energy transition. Biden noted the partnership was open to others. Lula emphasized the importance of defending workers’ rights and democracy globally, calling it “a new era for US-Brazilian relations amongst equal partners.”