He didn’t read a book until he was 31, then a diagnosis led him to inspire kids with similar struggles

Henry Winkler’s journey to success was anything but straightforward. Battling dyslexia, he faced a tumultuous path marked by struggles in school and harsh treatment from his parents. Despite being labeled lazy and stupid, Winkler’s determination led him to earn an MFA from Yale University.

Throughout his schooling, punishments and restrictions compounded his frustrations, with Winkler spending much of his high school years grounded. However, his resolve remained unbroken, propelling him to graduate from Yale and pursue an acting career.

But dyslexia continued to challenge him. Reading scripts proved daunting, forcing him to rely on improvisation and memorization to compensate for his learning disability. Even during table reads for “Happy Days,” his dyslexia caused stumbling and embarrassment.

It wasn’t until he was 31, following his stepson’s diagnosis with a learning disability, that Winkler realized he might also have dyslexia. This diagnosis marked a turning point, leading him to channel his experiences into helping others.

Winkler authored a children’s book series featuring a dyslexic character named Hank, aiming to provide support and inspiration to children facing similar challenges. Despite ongoing struggles, he takes pride in his literary contributions, emphasizing that his proudest moments are the books he has written.

His journey serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that learning challenges do not define one’s potential. Winkler encourages children to pursue their dreams relentlessly, refusing to let their struggles hold them back.