If You See A Man With One Painted Fingernail, Here’s What It Means

The #PolishedMan campaign highlights a man with one painted fingernail as a symbol to end violence against women and children. Supported by celebrities like Chris Hemsworth and Zac Efron, this global movement encourages everyone to paint one nail, share it with the hashtag, and raise awareness.

Supporting a Worthy Cause

A painted nail represents solidarity with victims of violence. By painting one nail, you can join the cause and show your commitment to ending violence against women and children. The campaign supports trauma prevention and recovery programs worldwide.

Impactful Results

Running for eight years, the campaign has raised over $7.6 million, involving over 100,000 people from 100 countries. Funds go toward stopping violence before it occurs and aiding survivors on their journey to recovery. YGAP, a beneficiary partner, focuses on economic stability and security to prevent violence.

Be Part of the Change

Paint one nail, share it with #PolishedMan, and be part of a global movement to end violence against women and children. Your simple act can create a meaningful impact and help build a safer world for all.