My Neighbor Trashed My Backyard for Revenge, but My Payback Was Even Harsher

I’m Jimmy, and let me tell you about my neighbor Dan. It all started with a simple brick wall fence. “Hey, Jimmy! What’s the big idea with this monstrosity?” Dan yelled. “Privacy, Dan,” I replied. This fence took our rivalry to a new level.

Our neighborhood was a slice of paradise—except for Dan. One afternoon, Dan swept leaves under my tree. “Dan, for the last time, I don’t want your damn leaves,” I snapped. He retorted, “Just trying to help out, Jimmy.” Things escalated quickly from there.

I decided to build a wall for privacy. When the construction started, Dan stormed over. “What the hell is this, Jimmy?” he bellowed. “Just a home improvement project,” I smiled. His dogs came out, barking like crazy. “Call off your mutts, Dan!” I yelled. Dan wouldn’t budge until I threatened with animal control.

A few days later, I woke up to my backyard filled with garbage. Dan waved, “Like your new landscaping?” I called my friend Tyler to help me return the favor. We filled Dan’s property with the trash, turning his yard into a junkyard.

Dan’s reaction was priceless. He shouted, “JIMMY!” but stopped when he saw my new security cameras. Since then, there’s been a tense peace. “Guess the shoe’s on the other foot now, eh, Dan?” I called out. He never messed with me again. Sometimes, you need to fight venom with venom.