Recently-Married NFL Star Gets Hit With Two New Paternity Suits

Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill, known as the “Cheetah” for his speed on the field, faces two paternity suits in Florida courts. Brittany Lackner claims Hill is the father of her child and finds his $2,500 monthly child support offer inadequate given his $30 million annual earnings. Kimberly Baker, in another suit, alleges Hill fathered her child and also receives $2,500 per month in child support.

These suits could increase Hill’s existing child support payments for his three children with former partner Crystal Espinal. Hill has a history of domestic assault and child abuse allegations, leading to past suspensions and legal battles. Despite off-field controversies, Hill secured lucrative NFL contracts and played a key role in the Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory.

However, a recent altercation at a Miami marina added to scrutiny of Hill’s behavior outside the NFL. These legal battles raise questions about the impact of an athlete’s personal life on their professional success and reputation, including Hill’s potential as an NFL MVP candidate. Hill’s situation highlights the complexities and intense public scrutiny faced by high-profile athletes. NFL fans will closely monitor the developments surrounding Tyreek Hill.