Wesley groaned as he pushed his plate away. “Meatloaf again?”
Spoiled Son Demands Money For Doing His Chores
His mother’s smile faltered. “We had roast chicken yesterday, hamburgers the day before, and fish on Friday…”
Wesley rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever.”
As he stood to leave, his mother called after him. “Please rinse your plate and put it in the dishwasher.”
He smirked. “Why should I? I’m not your slave!”
His mother gasped. “My slave?”
“Yeah,” he said smugly. “You don’t pay me, so it’s slavery!”
His father set down his fork. “We house, feed, clothe, and send you to school.”
“That’s the law!” Wesley cut in. “But I won’t do anything unless I’m paid.”
His father paused. “You want to be paid for chores?”
Wesley grinned. “Exactly! $1 for taking out the trash, $2 for dishes, $5 for cleaning my room.”
His father smiled. “Alright, from now on, we’ll pay you for chores.”
Wesley’s grin widened.
“But,” his father continued, “you’ll pay for your own expenses.”
The next day, Wesley asked for dinner after practice. His father charged him $10. He ordered pizza, but with tip and delivery, it cost $15.
The next morning, Wesley asked for eggs. “$6,” his mother said.
Wesley groaned. “Fine, I’ll just take toast.” “$2,” she replied.
Later, Wesley asked for $70 for a new jersey. His father said, “You pay for your own expenses now.”
Later, when he asked for a ride, his father charged him $5.50.
By dinnertime, Wesley was starving and couldn’t afford another pizza. He apologized to his parents, realizing how much they did for him. “I’ll do my chores without pay,” he said.
His parents smiled. “Now that’s the lesson we hoped you’d learn.” They set his favorite dinner in front of him, and Wesley realized how much better it tasted now that he understood the value of love and support in a family.