Sue Johanson, Canadian Sex Education Pioneer, Dead at 93

Sue Johanson, renowned Canadian sex educator, passed away at 93, leaving behind a legacy of open and informative sex education. She was known for her candid and humorous approach, focusing on destigmatizing sex and advocating safe practices. Johanson gained fame in 1984 as the host of the Sunday Night Sex Show, later transitioning to television and creating the successful Talk Sex With Sue Johanson in 2002.

Before her media career, she ran the Don Mills Birth Control Clinic from 1970 to 1986 and authored three books on sexuality. Johanson’s willingness to tackle even taboo subjects, such as contraception, teen pregnancy, and masturbation, earned her respect despite criticism.

She received the Order of Canada in 2000 for her contributions to sex education. In 2022, a documentary called “Sex with Sue” celebrated her positive impact. Her daughter, Jane Johanson, praised her mother’s nonjudgmental and welcoming nature, saying, “She was never judgmental, nor was she condescending or disapproving of any question that came her way.” Sue Johanson’s legacy lives on as a beloved figure in sex education.