The Mom Who Stabbed Her Baby To Death Is Found Dead In Prison

Rachel Tunstill, a 32-year-old woman previously convicted of murdering her newborn daughter, Mia Kelly, was tragically found dead in HMP Styal, Cheshire. Tunstill had been serving a life sentence for the murder, which occurred when she stabbed baby Mia shortly after giving birth alone in her bathroom.

Initially convicted in 2017, Tunstill’s murder charge was later quashed on appeal due to a jury instruction error. A retrial in 2018 led to her being found guilty once more, with a life sentence of 17 years.

Tunstill was jailed in Styal Prison in Lancashire
(Google Maps)

Tunstill’s death in custody has prompted an investigation by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman. Her cause of death remains undisclosed.

Tunstill’s actions were characterized by a psychology graduate’s disturbing behavior, from searching about ending late pregnancies to referencing notorious killer Rose West. The case underscores the need for mental health support and prevention efforts.