The Student Who Got Sent Home For Wearing “Controversial” Shirt Wins $25,000 Settlement

A high school student, Addison Barnes, received a $25,000 settlement after being sent home for wearing a shirt that said, “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” The shirt referenced former President Trump’s border wall efforts. The school asked him to cover it or change, and when he refused, he was suspended for the day. Barnes sued the school, claiming his First Amendment rights were violated.

Barnes stated, “I brought this case to stand up for myself and other students who might be afraid to express their right-of-center views.” The school district settled, covering his attorney fees and requiring the school principal to apologize. The school argued the shirt could disrupt the environment, as one-third of the student body was Hispanic, and many families faced deportation due to Trump’s immigration policies.

Barnes believes his victory reinforces the First Amendment’s strength. His attorney, Brad Benbrook, emphasized, “The First Amendment does not allow what is going on in too many schools today.”

In summary, a student’s controversial Trump-related shirt led to suspension, a lawsuit, and ultimately a $25,000 settlement, highlighting the ongoing debate over free speech in schools.